General Meeting Minutes for 2023 

Grand Island Lions General Meeting  January 11, 2023
 Attendance:   13 in attendance Dick Crawford, Tom Digati, Anne Ryan, Jim Ryan, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Shelia Ferrentino, Kelly McGarvey, Dave Chervinsky, Norm Hahn, Donna Lavallee, Henry Lobl and Mike Hoplight

Lion President Dick Crawford called the meeting to order with a prayer at 7:00 PM Pledge: Lion Anne, Song: Lion Tom R
 Guests:  Lion Tom Witkowski introduced Lion Mike Hoplight from the Town of Niagara Lions Club presenting on Veterans opportunities.
 Committee Reports:
LP Dick:  Lion Paul B is doing well and is getting items done for the Peace Poster contest and the scholarship committee
Lion Tom Witkowski, Treasurers Report: all have received a copy of the TR
We received a refund for a previous dinner check of $265 from Say Cheese
Communications: Lion Jim: Newsletter from the Girls Scouts, SABA and Journeys End; Daily raffle from the Lancaster club for the month of January, too late to participate
Lion Mike: Lion Mike presenting on the “Everything Veterans” program. Volunteer services for the veterans, honor flight updates. “Everything Veterans” provides welcome packets of necessary personal hygiene items. The women’s division of the VA is especially in need. The 9th floor in the Buffalo VA is long term care.  Now that Covid has improved they are looking for organizations to sponsor a meal. There are programs that still need support, “no one dies alone”, and visitation for veterans who do not have local family members. They are many opportunities to serve.  Lion Mike will forward the information for sponsored lunches and events to Lion Dick. LP Dick presented a check on the behalf of our club towards “Everything Veterans”.
Split club is up to $26. Lion Tom W, Lion Mike selected Lion Jim Ryan. Jim Selected a silver nugget, the pot will continue.
MOW: Lion Tom Digati: first and third Friday of the month, volunteers are in need for third week in January as well as Feb, March and April. Lion Tom will send out an email for volunteers.
Registration forms are available for the state convention.  The club will pay for registration for 2 people
 Next meeting is 2/22 at Mallwitz
Motion to adjourn: 8:02 Lion Tom W seconded by Lion Tom R
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
April 12, 2023

Attendance: 10; Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Paul Krupa, Shelia Ferrentino, Susan Standora, Kelly McGarvey, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee
The meeting was called to order by Lion President Dick at 6:30 PM  

Pledge:  Lion Donna
Patriotic song: Lion Tom R
Prayer: Lion Paul Bassette

Motion to approve the March 8, 2023 minutes, Lion Tom, seconded by Lion Paul K, all in favor, minutes from the March meeting were approved.

Treasurers Report: Lion Tom Witkowski: Report was distributed via email. Welfare and General account balances were reviewed. Motion to accept the TR Lion Shelia, seconded by Lion Paul B, all in favor, motion passed.
- LCIF reinstated Lion Kimberly as a family member at a cost of $10
- Bottle Junction deposit, $166.61

Spaghetti Dinner:
The dinner will be at Eldens 4/24/2023.  Lion Dick is meeting with the owner and the chef, they are being very helpful, volunteers need to be there at 11 AM. There will be sit down and take out.  Numbers on pre sale tickets: (12) we are behind on that. We really need to get the word out, boost on social media. Ads will be in the island dispatch. The press release will be in the Pennysaver and the dispatch. Also in the reporters notebook in the Buffalo News. The signs will go up the week before. 
Basket raffle, similar to what we did last year, 2 large baskets, wine and liquor and lottery tix basket.  There will be some smaller donated baskets. Set up at 11- then return around 4 PM. An email will be sent out to members to make a donation towards the basket raffles. We have help from Young Life, Scouts and youth at school looking for community service.

Scholarship: Lion Paul Bassette: Lion Paul shared a letter received from a recipient from last year scholarship updating his progress at RIT. So far there are 5 applicants. Character and Effort scholarship will have 3-4, these individuals are nominated by the counselors. We need to see if we can get more applicants for next year through other avenues. We can review the criteria and perhaps revamp the wording of the application.

Peace Poster Recognition Dinner:  Paul Bassette This will be at the Bridgeview Tavern 971 East River Rd on May 24, There will be 2 youth and their parents/siblings~ 8 in total. The 1st and 2nd winners. Connor Middle School Art Teacher Drew Dulak will also receive an Uplinger award. Meal cost will be $17.

Special Kids Picnic:  Shelia has confirmed the date with the launch club; Jully 19, 2023.  Dick will contact Pinto for portable bathrooms. Ashley: School contacts, Shelia will be reviewing the receipts from last year and more information will be shared at the next meeting.  Volunteer lists were reviewed. Lion Dick/Shelia launch club contacts, Norm/cooking head, Brenda/Susan/Kelly: Kitchen, Anne and Tom R/boats, Donna: Musicians/popcorn/clowns/facepainting: Tom W/insurance/petting zoo, Buses/Paul B and Jim R, Scott Swagler/scouts, Dave/Merritton contact, Shelia: Sabretooth/mascots

State Convention: April 27-30 Buffalo Convention Center. You need to pre-register for $45, meal tickets are longer available. The collection this year is for diapers. Lion Tom made a motion to allocate $100 to purchase diapers. Seconded by Lion Shelia, all in favor motion carried. Lion International dues have increased Lion Tom will find out the particular information.

Old Business: Please remember items for the GI Neighbors foundation.

New Business:
Lion Shelia reviewed the slate of officers for 2023-2024
President: Kelly McGarvey
VP: Tom Rusert
Corresponding: Jim Ryan
Rec Secretary: Donna Lavallee
Treasurer: Tom Witkowski
Lion Tamer/Tail Twister: Ashley and Tom Digati
One year director: Paul Bassette and open
Two year director: Susan Standora and Anne Fahning
Membership chair: Paul Krupa
Publicity chair: Dave Chervinsky
Immediate past president: Dick Crawford
Motion for proposed slate list to be sent to the membership for to accept the slate Lion Paul K, seconded by Lion Paul B.  All in favor.

State approved project:  Alert Foundation for disaster areas: Cleaning buckets; $40/bucket with cleaning supplies, motion by Lion Tom W to purchase 3, Second by Lion Tom R ,discussion, vote: all in favor, motion carried

District 20N training and cabinet meeting cost $25/club this cost is in the budget.  The meeting is on Sat May 6 is There are many new Training sessions this year it is in Clarence.

Memorial donation in honor of Lion Bob Goulding by Lion Dave Chervinsky

Town wide clean up: April 29, 2023 The club responsibility is on GI Blvd between Webb south towards Taquito Lindo restaurant. Time 8-noon. Lion Dick will send out an email. Last year the town had 28 groups participate. There will also be dedications at the Nike Base. Lion Dick will send another information email.

Upcoming meetings and events:
April 24- Spaghetti Dinner
April 26 – Bridgeview Tavern 6:30 PM recap of the Spaghetti Dinner
May 10 Merrittan meeting
May 25: Bridgeview tavern; Peace Poster
June 7: Installation Dinner TBD

Split club: $37, Lion Dick Crawford…….a golden nugget!!! Congratulations Lion Dick!  The split club will start over.

Motion to adjourn: Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Susan, all in favor, motion approved. 8:39 PM

Respectfully submitted: Donna Lavallee



Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
April 26, 2023

Attendance: 10; Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Paul Krupa, Susan Standora, Jenny Bagdan Kelly McGarvey, Jim Ryan, Donna Lavallee
The meeting was called to order by Lion President Dick at 6:41 PM  

Motion to not do agenda items, 2, 3 and 4 by Lion Jim, seconded by Tom Rusert, All in favor

Motion to approve the April 12, 2023 minutes, Lion Jim, seconded by Lion Paul K, all in favor.

Treasurers Report: Lion Tom Witkowski: Preliminary report for the spaghetti dinner, gross income $7386.27.  There will be more coming in. Expenses: overall we had limited expenses, we need to pay for takeout containers and some incidentals. The net income at this point is $6379.71.
The staff at Eldens came through big time for us. Chef Chris cooked everything in record time.  We should thank him in some way with a gift certificate; discussion. Lion Jim made a motion to purchase a $200 gift certificate of his choice for him and his family.  Lion Dick tipped the bar service. In addition Lion Jim will make up a nice “thank you” certificate”
Spaghetti Dinner:
Take home points and suggestions:
• Better signage
• Letting people know that the bar is open for separate purchase
• The “to go” area could have better flow and less congestion. Take out people could wait in the alcove at the front door. The cashiers table could be upstairs perhaps by the fireplace. In house patrons can then stay upstairs and to-go patrons go back down the stairs after purchasing their tickets.
• More tables 
• If we had emails we could send out to previous patrons as a reminder of new date for next year.
• Motion: Lion Kelly: to send flowers to the Brady’s of the total of $100, seconded by Lion Jim. All in favor, motion passed.
• There was a total of 50 lawn signs, 25 North end, 25 south end of Island.
• 50/50 people preferred an arm’s length for $5 or $10 or 10 for $5, rather than a single ticket for $5.  Discontinue the 50/50 sales on commit change.
• Bake sale, we need more baked goods, email sent out sooner.
• 80 lb. spaghetti, 50 loaves of bread , 10 cases of sauce, 3 cases of cherry tomatoes, Lettuce, we need to ask River Oaks, 9 parmesan cheese, Italian dressing 15 bottles, paper products; based on 400 dinners, excess to go to stock, We ran out of take out salad containers (ordered 100 this year), check the numbers for next year.
Scholarship: Lion Donna: Meeting tomorrow night at Mark Frentzels office at 7 PM.

Peace Poster Recognition Dinner:  Lion Dick This will be at the Bridgeview Tavern 971 East River Rd on May 24, Lion Dick will double check that we have the back room, no open mic.

Clean up GI: Arbor Day: Club to meet at Taquito Lindo 1849 GI Blvd, we will clean between Webb Rd and Taquito Lindo. Meet at 8 AM. The club will cook hotdogs at the Nike Base. Dedication for Dorothy Westhafer for the bridge on the trails at Nike base. Ron Rezabek, white trail is being dedicated to him. Suggestion: Hot dogs for $5 dog/chip/drink, then we will buy a tree for the town with the proceeds. Marla Crawford will make a sign. Lion Dick will send out a reminder email to the club with volunteers.

Correspondence: Lion Jim
Thank you from MD 20 alert for donation for buckets
Thank you from Young Life
Request from Excalibur
Frewsburg invitation for the 75th anniversary of their club
Tickets for Camp Badger Super raffle, $50/ticket, we will look at the budget for this.

Old Business: Lion Dick acceptance for the 2023-2024 slate of officers, no nominations from the floor. Motion to accept the officers, Lion Donna, seconded by Lion Tom W, all in favor, motion passed.

May 10th: Merrittan
 meeting meet at Mighty Taco 5:30 sharp.

New Business:
May 25: Bridgeview tavern; Peace Poster

June 7: Installation Dinner TBD

Motion to adjourn: Lion Paul K, seconded by Lion Jim, all in favor, motion approved.  8:20 PM

Respectfully submitted: Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions General Meeting May 24, 2023

 Attendance:   11 in attendance Paul Bassette, Anne Fahning, Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Kelly McGarvey, Jim Ryan, Anne Ryan, Tom Rusert, Susan Standora, Donna Lavallee 8 guests, 3 Peace Poster winners, Hadley Dahlgren, Gabriel Scibilia, Esther Dulak and their parent(s).
Meeting was called to order by President Dick Crawford at 6:44 PM: Tom Witkowski, pledge, Paul Bassette; prayer.
 Committee Reports:
Lion Tom Witkowski, Treasurers Report:  Received through email, Motion to approve: Lion Tom R, seconded by Lion Paul, motion approved.
Lion Dick reviewed for the guests our club’s purpose, major fundraiser, spaghetti dinner and our main event the Kids Picnic for kids with special needs.
 Peace Poster presentation:  Lion Paul Bassette: Lion Paul presented background on the origins of the Peace Poster contest and the meaning.  There were 48 posters submitted to consideration this year. Theme “Lead with compassion”, posters are judged on expression of theme, artistic ability and originality. The 3 winners presented their posters to the club. Lion Paul addressed Mr. Drew Dulak, GI Connor Middle School art teacher, who has supported the efforts of the peace poster contest for the past 20 years.
 Robert J Uplinger Award: Lion Paul announced and awarded the Robert J Uplinger award to Drew Dulak for his support of the Peace Poster contest for the past 23 years.  Mr. Dulak was awarded a plaque and pin.
 Lion Tom requested that Drew Dulak pull for the split club, Lion Tom Rusert selected a gold nugget, $6!!! The split club starts over!
 Scholarship: Lion Paul: 1 $1500 winner and 2 $500 winners and one $500 character and effort award.
Kids Picnic: July 19th, Lion Shelia.  Shelia reviewed feedback and Ideas, instructions for buses with a map for parking, coordinate food cooking to stay on schedule and to have enough food at the correct time.  We need to have a separate food line for volunteers and bus drivers.
Shelia reviewed people’s responsibilities
Lion Anne boats
Lion Ashley school liaison
Lion Norm, Lion Dick, Bob DeGlopper, Lion Glenn cookers
Lion Dave Drinks, Loan closet suplies
Lion Donna: face painting, tattoos, popcorn, clowns, music
Lion Tom: Petting Zoo and ponies, $1000
Staff ad guest parking: Brooks Rimes, Lion Paul, buses, Lion
Volunteer sign in: Lion Anne Ryan
Port o potty:  Lion Dick
Kitchen: Brenda Rimes assisted by Lion Susan
Media relations: Lion Tom W
Finances: Lion Tom W
Parks Department:  Lion Dick, 20 safety cones, garbage cans, tables
Tents: Member tents
Fire Department: Lion Dick
Step in Time: Lion Shelia
Shriners: Lion Shelia
Sabretooth: Lion Jim
Set up time for the picnic is 7/18 at 10 AM, arrival at the picnic for Lions 7:30 AM
Organization meeting for Kids Picnic on June 7 at 6 PM at Howard Hanna
Correspondence: Lion Jim:  Invoice from Niagara Frontier Publications for ads for the spaghetti dinner, save the date for the Antique Boat Show, 9/9/23, Flier for fundraiser for Wings, flight of Hope 8/5/23 also looking for sponsorship.  Dr Andy’s day for Kids in our budget for neo natal unit at Sisters Hospital.
Annual dues, $80 to be paid by June 30, 2023
Loan Closet: The loan closet is full it needs to be cleaned out. Lion Dick will send a general announcement to the membership for help.
 New Business:
 Parade information is due. Lion Donna will send out an email to try to see who would be available to march.
Dues are due: June 30, 2023 Lion Jim and Lion Tom W:” LCIF has increased dues by $3, Lion Tom suggested that we increased the dues to $80.  Motion: Lion Dick to increase the dues to $80 for the 23-24 calendar year. Seconded by Lion Kelly. Discussion: Lion Anne, the dues should be what they are $78 to $79 then $80. The extra money from 23-24, and 24-25 calendar years would go to the general fund of our club. Vote taken; motion carried. Bills will be sent by Lion Jim via email.
Update on Lion Henry: Lion Tom, Lion Henry is in the hospital and will most likely need to go to rehab, prayers are appreciated.
Installation Dinner: Lion Dick will check for availability at Eldens June 14, 2023.
District 20N and convention highlights: Lion Tom received a special award the presidential metal. Next year’s convention is in Binghamton.
Motion to adjourn: 9:08 Lion Tom, seconded Lion Anne, meeting adjourned.

 Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting and
Installation Dinner  June 14, 2023

Attendance: (22 in attendance) Dave Chervinsky, Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford, Marla Crawford, Paul Bassette, Tom Rusert, Peg Rusert, Kelly McGarvey, Jim McGarvey, Shelia Ferrentino, Susan Standora, Ed Standora, Norm Hahn, Jim Ryan, Donna Lavallee, Stu Lavallee Guests: David Bunis, Barbara Graham, Rocky Nagel, Sharon Dickinson, Kevin Kulikowski, Aliana Kulikowski

Lion Past President Dick Crawford called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.  Pledge; Lion Kelly, Patriotic song; Tom Rusert and prayer by Kevin Kulikowski

Lion Paul Bassette led us in a welcome toast

Lion Ann: introduced guests Dave Bunis, Barb Graham, Lion Tom R introduced guests Rocky Nagel and Sharon Dickinson, Lion Dick introduced guests Kevin and Aliana Kulikowski

Melvin Jones Presentation:  Lion Paul Bassette gave background on the Melvin Jones. The Melvin Jones awards can be given to a Lion or a non-Lion.  The Melvin Jones Fellowship was established as the Lions Club International Foundation’s highest form of recognition to acknowledge an individual’s dedication to humanitarian service.  This is a person who puts people and human needs first. Lion Dick presented the first award to Kevin Kulikowski of Young Life for ministering to young adults in our community for many years.  Lion Anne Fahning presented the second Melvin Jones award to Shelia Ferrentino, a 20-year member serving in every capacity in our club. She has tirelessly served our club.  Lion Paul B presented the 3rd Melvin Jones award to Donna Lavallee.

Presentation of gift to the club:  The antique boat club presented a check to the club in support of the Exceptional Kids Picnic. Several members of the ABC have participated in the picnic by donating their time with the boat rides and support in other areas.  Sharon Dickinson presented a check of $1000 in support of the Exceptional Kids Picnic!!

Lion Anne and the club honored David Bunis for his service of donating his time and boat during the Kids Picnic for the past 40 years! He enjoys the experience with the children. 

Installation of Officers and Directors for 2022-2023:   PDG Jim Ryan installed the officers for the 2023-2024 calendar year.
President:  Lion Kelly McGarvey
First Vice President:  Lion Tom Rusert
Treasurer:  Lion Tom Witkowski
Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Jim Ryan
Recording Secretary:  Lion Donna Lavallee
Tail Twister and Lion Tamer:  Lion Ashley Digati and Lion Tom Digati
Director – Two Years:  Lion Anne Fahning and Lion Susan Standora
Director One Year:  Lion Paul Bassette
Membership Chair: Lion Shelia Ferrentino
Publicity Chair: Lion Dave Chervinsky
Immediate Past President:  Lion Dick Crawford

Congratulations new officers and directors!

Transfer of club paraphernalia:  past president Lion Dick to Lion Kelly

GI Lions Summer Activities:
July 4th Parade: Lion Donna registered the club. Come one and come all.
July 12th Kids Picnic meeting and BOD meeting at 6 PM at Howard Hanna
Exceptional Kids Picnic:  July 19, 2023

Benediction:  Lion Paul Bassette

Motion to adjourn Lion Tom, seconded by Lion Dave-Meeting Adjourned:  8:27 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
Installation Dinner
June 14, 2023

Attendance: (22 in attendance) Dave Chervinsky, Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford, Marla Crawford, Paul Bassette, Tom Rusert, Peg Rusert, Kelly McGarvey, Jim McGarvey, Shelia Ferrentino, Susan Standora, Ed Standora, Norm Hahn, Jim Ryan, Donna Lavallee, Stu Lavallee Guests: David Bunis, Barbara Graham, Rocky Nagel, Sharon Dickinson, Kevin Kulikowski, Aliana Kulikowski

Lion Past President Dick Crawford called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.  Pledge; Lion Kelly, Patriotic song; Tom Rusert and prayer by Kevin Kulikowski

Lion Paul Bassette led us in a welcome toast

Lion Ann: introduced guests Dave Bunis, Barb Graham, Lion Tom R introduced guests Rocky Nagel and Sharon Dickinson, Lion Dick introduced guests Kevin and Aliana Kulikowski

Melvin Jones Presentation:  Lion Paul Bassette gave background on the Melvin Jones. The Melvin Jones awards can be given to a Lion or a non-Lion.  The Melvin Jones Fellowship was established as the Lions Club International Foundation’s highest form of recognition to acknowledge an individual’s dedication to humanitarian service.  This is a person who puts people and human needs first. Lion Dick presented the first award to Kevin Kulikowski of Young Life for ministering to young adults in our community for many years.  Lion Anne Fahning presented the second Melvin Jones award to Shelia Ferrentino, a 20-year member serving in every capacity in our club. She has tirelessly served our club.  Lion Paul B presented the 3rd Melvin Jones award to Donna Lavallee.

Presentation of gift to the club:  The antique boat club presented a check to the club in support of the Exceptional Kids Picnic. Several members of the ABC have participated in the picnic by donating their time with the boat rides and support in other areas.  Sharon Dickinson presented a check of $1000 in support of the Exceptional Kids Picnic!!

Lion Anne and the club honored David Bunis for his service of donating his time and boat during the Kids Picnic for the past 40 years! He enjoys the experience with the children. 

Installation of Officers and Directors for 2022-2023:   PDG Jim Ryan installed the officers for the 2023-2024 calendar year.

President:  Lion Kelly McGarvey
First Vice President:  Lion Tom Rusert
Treasurer:  Lion Tom Witkowski
Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Jim Ryan
Recording Secretary:  Lion Donna Lavallee
Tail Twister and Lion Tamer:  Lion Ashley Digati and Lion Tom Digati
Director – Two Years:  Lion Anne Fahning and Lion Susan Standora
Director One Year:  Lion Paul Bassette
Membership Chair: Lion Shelia Ferrentino
Publicity Chair: Lion Dave Chervinsky
Immediate Past President:  Lion Dick Crawford

Congratulations new officers and directors!

Transfer of club paraphernalia:  past president Lion Dick to Lion Kelly

GI Lions Summer Activities:
July 4th Parade: Lion Donna registered the club. Come one and come all.
July 12th Kids Picnic meeting and BOD meeting at 6 PM at Howard Hanna
Exceptional Kids Picnic:  July 19, 2023

Benediction:  Lion Paul Bassette

Motion to adjourn Lion Tom, seconded by Lion Dave-Meeting Adjourned:  8:27 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee



Grand Island Lions Club
General Meeting
September 27, 2023
Attendance: (9 in attendance) Kelly McGarvey, Kim Pressley, Jim Ryan, Tom Rusert, Anne Fahning, Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, Susan Standora, Donna Lavallee. 

Meeting called to order at 6:33 PM by LP Kelly McGarvey
Pledge: Lion Susan, Song, Lion Anne, Prayer Lion Paul B.

Treasurers Report: The report was emailed sent to members. Lion Tom could not be here tonight. Lion Tom Rusert made a motion to accept the report with a revision stating that the monies raised last year from Christmas Caroling be sent to the GI Neighbors Foundation, seconded by Lion Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Recording Secretary: Motion to approve the minutes from the 9/27/23 Paul Bassette, seconded by Susan, all in favor, motion passed.
Correspondence: Lion Jim: None! Lion Tom Rusert received and shared a thank you note for the loaning of a transfer wheelchair.

Committee Reports:

Eyeglass collection:  Lion Jim:  Updates on collection sites. The big collection sites are the Town Hall and the GAC. Lion Dave needs coverage for his collection sites when gone. They are: GIHS, Library, St. Stephens
 This could be absorbed by the others.
Candidate night: Lion Dick requested that someone represent the club at the candidate’s night at Kaegebein School on October 24, 2023 from 6:30-9 PM. Basically the responsibilities would be reviewing the questions emailed in to eliminate duplicates, this would be done with the other service clubs involved. Lion Paul Bassette volunteered for this event.
Membership: Lion Jim, everyone has paid, our club membership stands at 27.
Member update: Update on Lion Henry; he is currently in South Buffalo Mercy being treated for a foot infection.
Christmas party: LP Kelly; we need to double check to see if the $250 deposit was sent to the BLC. Kelly has been in communication with the BLC and the cost has increased to $42, we may vote to see if the club can subsidize the event by a few dollars per member.
Spaghetti Dinner:  The date is still pending.
Upcoming meetings: Axe throwing for the January 10, 2024 meeting, cost is $35 we can bring our own food. We may do a potluck for this. February Meeting will be at Mallwitz Lanes.
Zoom meeting: The club had a zoom meeting with Alex Hillis, a representative from St Pauly Textiles a Rochester NY company that runs used clothing sheds. The company is a for profit organization; however, they are a small company in the big scheme of things. They are a family-owned company that started in 1996. The majority of the clothing goes to developing countries and in the US.  They are only collecting the clothing, which then gets placed in 1000 lb. containers and are sent off to sites that sort the clothing.  Only a small amount of the items goes to recycled fabric (ripped, stained, unusable clothes). The company collects 200,000 lbs. of clothing a day from their sheds. Alex reviewed specifics:
1. The club responsibilities would be to stop by the shed 1-2 times per week, time spent approximately 15-20 minutes. We would need to move the bagged clothing away from the main shoot for the shed and bag up any items that are not in a bag. Bags are provided inside the shed.  The company collects from the sheds once a week.
2. The company currently has a shed located at Trinity Church on Whitehaven Rd. This shed is managed by Boy Scout Troop 510 for the past 12 years.  This particular shed is one of the biggest collection sites in all of their sheds. Last year this shed collected 80,000 lbs. of clothing. Sponsors of shed are reimbursed .04 cents a lb. Their earnings were $3189 last year.  Most sheds receive $50-$200/month.
3. We do not have a “contract” with the company, however, they hope that we would partner with them for many years. We suggested that if we decide to try this, we would try it for a year and see how it goes.
4. They provide the shed, they file the proper paperwork with the town for placement, zoning, etc.
5. We would need to help the company find another site. Alex believes that the North and South ends of GI can each support a shed, perhaps at one of the schools.  The place of business or school would receive a rental check of $50/month.
6. We briefly discussed with Alex our concerns with the for-profit aspect, not aligning with the Lions club philosophy.
Members questions were answered and the zoom meeting was ended.

Discussion regarding the St Pauly zoom meeting.
1. Lion Susan expressed concern with finding members to staff the man hours for the shed.
2. Concern on “competition” with the current shed at Trinity church.
3. Concern regarding the “for-profit” status of the company, we concluded that those community members that exclusively donate to nonprofit organizations for clothing (veterans) can and will continue to do so. 
4. Our club has participated in other fundraisers with for profit organizations: i.e., Wendy’s, Dick and Jenny’s and BonTon.
5. Do we really need another fundraiser? If we do this, perhaps we should find a specific cause to earmark the money.
Lion Donna will send this summary to LP Kelly and she will send out an email asking for a club member yay or nay vote. Lion Donna will then contact St Paul Textile.

Other Fundraising ideas were discussed. Trivia night, Blind Bowling, car show, reverse raffle.  We will continue to brainstorm and member’s assignment for the next meeting is to find a community need that our club can support.
Lion Jim brought up the concern that members are not active and we are not getting new members because we are not visible enough in the community. We need to get our name out there more in the community.
New Business:
1. Meeting schedule:
a. October 11, 2023 meeting at Howard, fundraising idea with member from Akron Lions.
b. October 25, Meeting with Merrittpn at the GI VFW, catered by Say Cheese.
c. November 8, 2023, meeting with District Governor Barry Scott at Howard Hanna.
d. December 13: Christmas Party, place TBD chaired by Lion Kelly and Lion Donna.  BLC
e. Suggestion for winter meetings to also have zoom meeting link for the snowbirds.

Motion to adjourn Lion Tom R Seconded Lion Anne F, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 8:36 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club
General MeetingOctober 11, 2023
Attendance: (6 in attendance) Kelly McGarvey, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Anne Fahning, Susan Standora, Donna Lavallee

Meeting called to order at 6:37 PM by LP Kelly McGarvey
Pledge: Lion Susan, Prayer Lion Kelly.

Treasurers report: Report was emailed to everyone.  Motion to accept the TR Lion Anne, seconded by: Lion Tom R.  We have a check for the GI Neighbors foundation, we will hold this and hope to present it to the GI Neighbors foundation at the next meeting at the VFW. Lion Jim has the check for the outstanding members dues, Lion Tom W will get them from Lion Jim. Dinner for the next Merrittan meeting will be $20 US and $25 Canadian due that night. The amount to the GI Neighbors is $350.

Motion to approve the minutes from the 9/27/23 Lion Anne, seconded by Tom W, all in favor, motion passed.

Committee Reports:

Communications: Request from Hopeful Ways, we no longer contribute to this. Brandel Murphy: the money has been sent, additional tickets are available on an individual basis. If members want a tickets they are available through LP Kelly or Lion Tom W.
St Pauly Textile:  email or text responses 17;  total 11, yes and 5 no and 1 abstain. The vote passed by membership and board members voted for approval on a 1 year trial basis. Lion Donna Will contact Alex Hillis from St Pauly textile to move forward will the proposal. We need to find a location.
Summary from Lion John Diggs:  Presented outline by Lion Tom W: The fundraising idea is called “Avenue of Flags” Lions club and supporters promote a 3x5 foot flag that is mounted into the ground received as a $50 annual donation. The flags are erected at certain dates a year and are stored by the Lions club. There is an advertisement campaign. We will need to collect more information before we decide to proceed. Lion John will present at a meeting in the spring.
Eyeglass Pick up:  Lion Dave sites that need to be covered are the GI Library and St. Stephens.  Lion Kelly will email to members to see if there is a member who could pick up glasses at these 2 sites.
Update on Lion Henry:  Hip surgery and 2 toes removed from diabetes complications. He is in good spirits and will be in McCauley for the next 6 weeks. 
Vision screening:   Lion Susan asked about extra funding for this program. We do have some money in the budget, pending on if the need arises per Lin Tom W.
A discussion was had regarding community needs and how the Lions Club supports our community. We should have a brochure that reveals the programs sponsored by our club. We discussed having any funds raised earmarked to specific causes. Basically we need to “toot our own horn” on causes that we support. Perhaps having a brochure or a QRS code. We need to be visible in our community.
Activity reports to LCIF:  Reports will be sent to Lion Jim for reporting to LCIF. Submissions should be to Lion Jim by the 19th of the month so that it can be filed into LCIF and then to the district level.
• DG visit on 11/8, Lion Susan, Lion Tom W and Lion Kim for dessert and appetizers.
• We are waiting for a price on the Christmas Party from BLC.
• We do not have a quorum for a board meeting.

Motion to adjourn Lion Susan seconded Lion Tom R, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 7:43 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting October 25, 2023

Attendance: (17 in attendance) Kelly McGarvey, Jim Ryan, Tom Rusert, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Donna Lavallee, Norm Hahn.  Tom Witkowski, Jeanine Justice, 8 members from Merritton Lions Club

Meeting called to order at 6:39 by LP Kelly Mc Garvey
Pledge: Lion Jeanine, Song, O Canada Lion Jeff White from Merritton Lion Tom R God Bless America, Prayer Joint Lions Prayer.

Motion to approve the TR sent out via email, Dick Crawford, seconded by Tom Rusert, all in favor motion passed.
Motion to approve the minutes from the 10/11/22 with amendments Anne Fahning, seconded by Norm, all in favor, motion passed.

Lion Tom gave a brief update on the health status of Lion Henry, he welcomes visitors he does not have any needs around his house except mulching his roses which Lion Tom W will take care of.
Committee Reports:
Communications: $25 Donation from VFW in memory of Ann Crawford.
Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Dick, the dinner will be held at Eldens on April 22, 2024 more information to follow.
Christmas Party:  LP Kelly, December 13 at the BLC, baked ziti, meatballs, salad, rolls and butter cost $30, club members will bring in dessert. LP Kelly and Lion Donna will organize the event. Annie from the GI Neighbors foundation will be in attendance and we will present her a $350 check from last year’s Christmas caroling. All members should bring items to donate to the neighbors foundation, or gift cards.
Brandel Murphy: Lion Tom W gave background on the BM grants and matching grants. The major annual fundraiser will be held in February top prize is $5k, other prizes range from $2k to $250. Tickets are $20 or 6 for $100.
Candidates’ night: LP Kelly for Lion Paul Bassette: We need an informational brochure to hand out at events to explain Lions Club and what we do for our community. A committee was formed of Paul Bassette, Kelly McGarvey, Dick Crawford, Norm Hahn, Jeanine Justin. More information to follow.
Old Business:  none
New Business
Lion Tom W suggested that the club consider purchasing a 4.5x7 foot banner for a table runner cost $150. This banner could be used at any events that we would participate in. This discussion will be tabled until the board meeting.
Merritton updates: LP Debbie
December 1 Reverse Raffle
Blind Bowling November 4
Lion Scotty from Merritton has passed away.
Judy Bassette is in the hospital; we will get a card out to her and Paul.

Raffle drawing for prizes.
Motion to adjourn Lion Dick seconded Lion Jim, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 8:10 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
November 8, 2023
Attendance: (12 in attendance) Tom Rusert, Jim Ryan, Kim Pressley, Susan Standora, Paul Bassette, Anne Fahning, Donna Lavallee, Tom Witkowski, DG Barry Scott, PDG Mike Yost, Zone chair Steve Smith, First Vice DG Bette Stonebraker

Meeting called to order at 6:35 by Vice President Lion Tom Rusert
Pledge: Lion Susan, Song; Lion Anne, Prayer Lion Paul

Motion to approve the TR sent out via email, Paul Bassette, seconded by Anne Fahning, all in favor motion passed.
Motion to approve the minutes from the 10/25/23 Lion Jim, seconded by Lion Tom R, all in favor, motion passed.
 Introduction of guests: DG Barry Scott, PDG Mike Yost, Zone chair; Steve Smith, Vice First DG Bette Stonebraker
Committee Reports:

Communications: Thank you from the GI Neighbors Foundation for a donation.
DG Presentation: Barry Scott presented his vision “Service in Action” for the upcoming year. DG Pins and International pins are available.  The 50/50 raffle this year will go towards Family Promise WNY.  Their mission is to keep newly homeless family together, children stay in the same school district and families live in apartments with common areas. Statistics on Lionism in the local, regional and international level were shared.  The international vision is to grow the member from 1.4 to 1.5 million over the next 4 years. Global causes are as follows: Vision, Hunger, Diabetes, Environmental, Childhood cancer, youth, Humanitarian Efforts, disaster relief.
• Resources for club were reviewed, these being, adding clubs, specialty clubs, improve service reporting, leadership training and the district newsletter.
• Upcoming events are meeting with international director John Lawrence on Friday 11/10/23 at Salvatores and the training cabinet meeting on Saturday 11/11/23 at J White Elephant.
Zone chair Steve Smith: Parkinson walk review with 10 walkers. On 2/24: Movement revolution with the goal of raising $1k for the Parkinsons foundation. Lion Steve will be running in the Buffalo Marathon to raise funding for Parkinsons. The day before the marathon is a 5k or 10k run, Lion Steve would like to see Lions and Parkinsons Foundation working together.
Town of GI Golden Age Center: Lion Kim, to determine a service project, nothing to report at this time.
St Pauly Textile:  Lion Donna; Lion Dick and Lion Donna will be meeting with Superintendent Brian Graham on Friday 11/17 at 9 AM in the school district office to review the possibilities of having the clothing shed be on school
Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Tom; The dinner will be held at Eldens on April 22, 2024.

Updates on Lion Henry: Lion Tom, Lion Henry is looking forward visitors and better food! Lion Tom brings him some “outside” food from time to time. Henry is a McCauley residence. 
Update on Judy Bassette; Paul Bassette, she will be coming home from Elderwood on Saturday and had made a miraculous recovery from her stroke.
GI Neighbors foundation collection ideas: Lion Tom R, food collection and Tops gift cards and cash donations. There will be 2 guests from the neighbor’s foundation at our Christmas party. We should strive to have a large donation from members at the party.
Salvation Army bell ringer:  Rotary club is looking for volunteers to help in Tops market.

Old Business:  none
New Business: Jokes!!

Motion to adjourn Lion Anne seconded Lion Jim, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 8:08 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club
General Meeting December 13, 2023
Attendance: (20 in attendance) Kelly McGarvey, Jim McGarvey, Tom Rusert, Peg Rusert, Susan Standora, Ed Standora, Paul Bassette, Judy Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Stu Lavallee, Tom Witkowski, Diana Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Marla Crawford, Paul Krupa, Judy Krupa, Jeanine Justen, Shelia Ferrentino, guests from the GI Neighbors Foundation, Annie Carlson and Ann Jincola.

Meeting called to order at 6:35 by President Lion Kelly McGarvey
Pledge: Lion Tow W, Prayer Lion Dick

• Motion to approve the TR sent out via email, Lion Dick Crawford, seconded by Lion Susan Standora, all in favor motion passed.
• Motion to approve the minutes from the 11/08/23 Lion Paul B, seconded by Lion Paul K, all in favor, motion passed.
Introduction of guests: Lion Tom Rusert introduced our guests from the GI Neighbors Foundation; Annie Carlson and Ann Jincola. The club made a monetary donation to the GINF and club members brought in other food and money donations.  Annie Carlson gratefully acknowledged the clubs support and stated that over 150 families benefited this Christmas season.

Committee Reports:

St Pauly Textile:  Lion Donna; Lion Dick and Lion Donna had the meeting with Superintendent Brian Graham and others. They are running it by the legal team at the school district and district representatives will be meeting with Alex Hillis from St. Pauley on the best location for the clothing shed on the Middle school/High school front parking lot. Updates to follow as they become available.
Updates on Lion Henry: Lion Tom, Lion Henry is currently living down on Long Island closer to his daughter and family with Georgie (dog) hoping to come home to GI in the future.
LCIF:  Lion Tom W; Our club has been named a “model club” by LCIF. We received a letter and plaque recognizing us!
Rural Area Medical (RAM):  This effort will involve offering free medical services in 2025. The event will be hosted in Buffalo. The Buffalo Sabres will be offering the Keybank arena for 5 days. Lion Tom W will be filling out paperwork for a donation from LCIF. Information updates with be announced as they unfold.
Old Business:  none
New Business:  Upcoming meetings;
• January 10th at the GI Axe throwing venue. Lion Shelia will coordinate date and time, Lion Tom R will take care of the $75 deposit. Potluck will be organized by Lion Susan. Lion Kelly and Lion Donna will not be at this meeting.
• February 14th Mallwitz lanes, significant others invited, meal at the lanes, brief meeting and bowling to follow. Lion Dick will coordinate this meeting. Lion Kelly and Lion Donna will not be at this meeting.

Games: Friendly Feud and gift exchange

Meeting adjourned 8:55 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee




